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Frequently Asked Questions

In the beginning, try to do it three times a week, each session lasting for about 45 minutes. After some practice, increase it to five times a week, for an hour each time.

No. You can derive benefit from yoga without a special vegetarian diet. However, for the most complete yoga experience, a vegetarian diet is preferred. Vegetarian yogic foods are felt to calm the mind and sharpen the intellect. These foods supply the utmost energy and are digested easily.

“HA” means sun and “THA” means moon. Branches of the yoga practice that involve physical exercise, breathing practices, and movement. These exercises are designed to have a salutary effect on posture, flexibility, and strength and are intended ultimately to prepare the body to remain still for long periods of meditation.

When first starting out try going twice a week then after one month start going three times per week. If you add up to going 5-6 days a week make sure you always have at least one day off so your body can recouperate. Also if you are practicing yoga almost everyday its good idea to mix up the style (i.e. power yoga one day, yin the next…)

Power yoga is a vinyasa style of yoga in which one pose is linked to the next by breath. It is a vigorous class and often modeled after poses in ashtanga yoga.

Patanjali's eight-limbed path, also called Raja Yoga. This yoga contains or should contain eight components: morality; ethics; posture; breath control; sense control; concentration; meditation; absorption. Also the "brand" name for the style of yoga developed and taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois with a set sequence of yoga postures that take a student from A-Z in Asana.
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