
Start your day with some Yoga in bed!

The biggest hurdle that many of us face on the path to fitness and good health is definitely laziness. After all, just the thought of giving up the comfort of your cozy, inviting bed to work out can be nauseating. But, what if we told you that you could work out—without getting out of bed? Yes, you read that right.Including a few stretches in your morning routine can give you a toned body, along with a calming start to your day.Usually mornings are hectic and one tends to jump right out to get on with the day’s activities


"Before you begin yoga on your bed, you could start with subtle exercises such as gentle rotation of your neck, arms, wrists, and ankles to slowly warm up the joints. Practice simple breathing techniques with your eyes closed and a straight spine. This will prepare your body for the practice, and keep you safe from practice-related injuries. Also, make sure that your bed is not too soft, in which case you should perform these asanas on a yoga mat.Find music that makes you feel relaxed, or use white noise.Once you’re done with this warm-up, gear up for these yoga poses you can do in bed recommended by us."

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2.Balasana (child’s pose)

" Kneel down on your bed and place your hips on your heels. Inhale and raise arms above your head. Exhale and bend your upper body forward while touching your head on the bed. At this point, your pelvis should rest on your knees and you’ve got to make sure that your back is not hunched.Child's Pose is a gentle stretch for the back, hips, thighs, and ankles. It can help relieve back pain. Learning to use this pose wisely is the part of your developing practice where you listen to your body's inner voice and do what it tells you.

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3.Sukhasana (happy pose)

Sit in an upright position with both legs stretched out in front of you. Fold the left leg and tuck it inside the right thigh. Then, fold the right leg and tuck it inside the left thigh. Now, place your palms on the knees and sit straight with your spine erect. It is also a calming pose and it is one commonly used for meditation and practicing breathing exercises.Sukhasana offers a variety of benefits for people who are pregnant. In addition to opening the hips, it helps stretch the spine, increases energy, uplifts mood, improves digestion, and betters breathing. "

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4. Marjariasana (cat pose)

" Get down on your knees, place your palms in front of you and basically, get on all fours. Inhale, curve your spine, and lookup. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds and then, exhale, curve your spine to form an arch, and look downwards, focusing the gaze on your chest. This completes one cycle. You can perform 5-10 repetitions of this pose.Practicing this asana on a regular basis improves the posture of the body, strengthens the muscles and joints.Gently massages the abdominal region and increase the flexibility of spine, shoulder & neck.Practicing this asana is beneficial for women as it tones the female reproductive system, provides relief from menstrual cramps.Marjariasana benefits the shoulders by making them stronger.The cat stretch soothes the mind, thus helping you get rid of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

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5. Naukasana (boat pose)

Lie down on your back. Lift up your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bone or your hips. Your toes must be aligned with your eyes and your knees and back must be absolutely straight. Also, keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward, tighten your abdominal muscles, and exhale. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and get back to the resting position.Naukasana strengthens the abdominal muscles.It strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs and shoulders.It helps in regulating blood flow at sugar level.

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6. Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)

" Kneel down keeping your heels close to each other. Do not place the toes on top of each other. Instead, the right and left foot must be next to each other. Place your palms on your knees facing upwards. Straighten your back and look forward. Hold it for a couple of minutes if you can.Thunderbolt targets the back, chest, and core. Unlike poses designed to stretch and release these muscles and increase their strength.This pose requires an erect position, it can increase upper body strength.This helps improve posture, which can correct slouching in your seat. In this way, Thunderbolt pose may alleviate neck and back pain associated with sedentary desk jobs.

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7.Paschimottanasana (seated-forward bend)

Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Now, bend your knees slightly and extend your arms upwards while keeping your spine erect. Exhale and try to breathe out the air from your stomach. While exhaling, bend forward at the hip and place your upper body on your legs. Lower your arms and try to touch your toes with your fingers and knees with your nose. Hold the pose for 10 seconds and repeat.This pose stretches these areas and helps open up your hips. This stretch is excellent for runners who tend to have tight hamstrings. Like many yoga poses, it is also considered to be a calming pose.It is said that forward bends can help relieve stress and even improve your mood.

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